English Abstract

Data Platform for the Design of Functional Polymeric Materials

Takeshi AOYAGI
CD-FMat, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2022),95(2),60-65 General Review in Japanese

The overview of gAIST Materials Gate Data Platformh (DPF), which have been developed in the national project gUltra-High-Throughput Design and Prototyping Technology for Ultra-Advanced Materials Development Project (U2M project)h, is introduced. The U2M project developed five DPFs for different targeted materials, and the detail of DPF for functional polymeric materials are introduced in this article. The DPF contains the data of structures and properties of polymeric materials obtained by the computational simulation and experimental observation. Especially, the higher-order structures such as phase separated structure of polymer blends and dispersion of fillers in polymer matrices, and corresponding properties such as elastic constant and thermal conductivity are focused in the DPF. In April 2022, after the completion of the U2M project, the materials design platform will be operational, and the consortium will be organized to accelerate data-driven materials design. In addition to the introduction of DPFs, we will introduce the plans for these activities to implement the fruits of the project in industry.

Keywords: Data Platform, Computational Simulation, Higher-order Structure, Data-driven Materials Design, Materials Informatics