English Abstract

Introduction of Ultra High-Throughput Design and Prototyping Technology for Ultra Advanced Materials Development Project

Tatsuaki ATAKA
Research Association of High-Throughput Design and Development of Advanced Functional Materials (ADMAT), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2022),95(2),31-33 General Review in Japanese

I am introducing the national project and reviewing the recent results. It started in 2016 FY to carry out the R&D to accelerate the creation and development of innovative functional materials collaborated with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and ADMAT. There are 18 companies of chemical, materials and electronics companies. We have successfully created a new technology to largely shorten the trial periods and cycles for the R&D of functionality materials by introducing three techniques (computational science/AI, innovative process technology and advanced characterization) together.

Keywords: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Materials Informatics (MI) , Innovative Process, Advanced Characterization, Advanced Functional Materials