English Abstract

Unified Physical Concept of Friction and Wear of Rubber
Part 6, Final: A New Theory of Rubber Wear connected with Rubber Friction through Abrasion Pattern Formation

Yoshihide FUKAHORI
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, UK
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2021),94(7),237-244 General Review in Japanese

In this final Part 6, the Author proposes a new theory of rubber wear connected with rubber friction through abrasion pattern formation generated by stick-slip motion. The kinetic interpretation was introduced to explain the close relationship between the wear rate and the distance of abrasion patterns named the wear-abrasion pattern diagram, which showed that two mechanisms work differently at an initial stage and a final stage of the abrasion pattern formation. After the inspection of the theory of rubber wear given by AG. Thomas theoretically and experimentally, the author proposes a new theory of the rubber wear based on the fracture mechanics treatment, where is shown that the stick-slip motion is the direct driving force to promote the rubber wear, and thus the abrasion pattern of the same length as the period of the stick-slip motion is left on the wear surface of the rubber.

Keywords: Rubber Wear, Abrasion Pattern, Stick-slip Motion, Wear-abrasion Pattern Diagram, Kinetic Consideration, Avrami Theory, Thomas Theory of Rubber Wear, Wear Debris