English Abstract

The Positive List System for Food Utensils, Containers and Packaging

Hitomi OTA
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2020),93(4),123-128 General Review in Japanese

For specifications and standards for food utensils, containers and packaging (UCP), Japan has adopted the negative list system that basically permits use of all substances and designates the substances whose use should be restricted. In June 2020, Japan introduces the positive list (PL) system for synthetic resin, which basically prohibits use of all substances except the ones evaluated as safe to enhance food safety and ensure global consistency of regulations. To check whether products are manufactured conforming to the PL system and to confirm the compatibility through supply chains, Japan also develops production management and information sharing systems for business operators. Taking into account requests from business operators and discussions at committee for reviewing the system, Japan considers setting a deferment period. During the period, business operators have to prove that products using substances that are not listed yet or are under consideration of the specifications in the PL are the same as the products marketed at the point of the effective date of the PL system.

Keywords: The Food Sanitation Act, Food Apparatus, Food Utensils, Food Containers, Food Packaging, Positive List System, Synthetic Resin