English Abstract

Heterogeneous Structure in Elastomers and Polymer Nanotechnology :
Part IV. Polymer Nanotechnology and Megatechnology

Toshio NISHI
Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2019),92(8),295-301 General Review in Japanese

Some of the application of polymer nanotechnology to solve megatechnology problems like reduction of CO2 generation by developing super fuel efficient tire materials and protection of buildings & bridges from big earthquakes by elastomeric seismic-protection isolators (ESPI) are presented with examples.

1) Development of polymer nanotechnology to analyze structure and properties of real elastomer materials with nano-fillers and polymer blends. They include transmission electron micro-tomography (TEMT) with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and nanomechanical mapping. By these nanotechnology, we can analyze structure and properties of real elastomer materials in nanoscale in detail.
2) Application of these nanotechnologies to develop super fuel efficient tire materials to reduce 44% rolling resistance and increase 26% wear resistance.
3) Current status of ESPI and application of these nanotechnology to develop high damping rubber bearing (HDR) are summarized. At the same time some example of the durability of ESPI for real bridge&building application are presented by replacing used ESPI from real bridge and building.
4) In the last, international investigation of shear displacement capacity of various ESPI for buildings is presented and the need for new international standard for ESPI is emphasized.
5) Importance of international standardization of ESPI is presented for this kind of megatechnology.
Keywords: Super Fuel Efficient Tire Materials, Elastomeric Seismic-protection Isolators, Polymer Nanotechnology, Megatechnology, International Standardization