English Abstract

Production Method and Market Trend of Rubber Gloves

ZEON CORPORATION, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, JAPAN
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2015),88(9),369-373 General Review in Japanese

Rubber gloves are the indispensable items in our life. They protect our hand from an injury, a medicine wound, a virus and bacteria.
Over the past years, there has been a notable rise in the demand of gloves whenever there is an outbreak of flu or viral diseases. During and after such outbreaks, there is a sudden change in the demand for rubber gloves due to increased hygiene concerns. In addition, the demand for gloves from food industry and others services is also set to increase.
This report gives a production method and the market trend of rubber gloves.

Keywords: Rubber Glove, Dipped Product, Production Method, Market Trend, Protector