English Abstract

Rheological Properties Measurement Method and Apparatus

Takanobu UEDA
UEDA Rheology Evaluation Laboratory, Sorakugun, Kyoto, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2015),88(8),303-308 General Review in Japanese

In this paper I will at first explain general method of rheology measurement, such as steady flow, strain dispersion, frequency dispersion, temperature dispersion.
Next I will explain the LAOS method using a Fourier transform, and the two step flow measurement made possible by stress rheometer.
At last I will explain measurement methods of the other principles, such as spring relaxation method, free dumping method, the tuning fork type viscometer, thin wire heating method, electric fleld tweezer method, and electromagnetic spinning sphere method.

Keywords: Rheometer, Fourier Transform, LAOS, Two Step Flow, Spring Relaxation, Free Dumping, The Tuning Fork Viscometer, Thin Wire Heating, Electro Field Tweezer, Electro-magnetically Spinning