English Abstract

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Soft Materials
(5) Precise Characterization of Structure and Dynamics of Polymers by Solid-state NMR

Toshikazu MIYOSHI
The University of Akron, Department of Polymer Science, Akron OH, 44320-3909
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2015),88(5),157-163 General Review in Japanese

Solid-state NMRiSSjspectroscopy is one of very powerful characterization techniques for elucidations of conformation, packing, chain folding structures, spatial heterogeneity, and molecular dynamics of polymers. Here, we review several good application of SS-NMR in polymer science.

Keywords: Solid-state NMR, Dipole Interaction, Chemical Shift Anisotropy, Double Quantum, Structure, Molecular Dynamics