English Abstract

Tribology of Polymeric Materials and Dynamics of Contact Interface

Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2015),88(2),43-47 General Review in Japanese

In recent years, tribological studies using polymeric materials as sliding surfaces have drawn attention of researchers. Using transparent polymeric materials makes it possible to observe the contact interface directly, where their elasticity increases the magnitude of deformation and decreases the time rate of change occurring in the contact interface, which makes it easier for us to visualize what really happens in the contact interface. In this article, the trends of studies on the dynamics of contact interface are introduced, including the abrasion patterns, the Schallamach waves, and some transient phenomena from the stick phase to the slip phase.

Keywords: Tribology, Sliding Friction, Contact Interface, Transient Phenomena, Visualization