English Abstract

Property Improvement by Segregation of Oligomers into Interface
gDevelopment of Oligomers for PSA used in Touch Panel Bondinghas Example

Hiroshi SASAKI
Toagosei Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2014),87(5),175-179 General Review in Japanese

In the development of Elastic Materials, formulation of filler with elastomer is well known common technique and widely used to establish improved physical and chemical properties.
The interaction of elastic bulk with filler and/or dispersability of fillers are believed to be the key for fine property improvement of final composite. For such interaction, interface of elastomer bulk and filler surface plays an important roll.
As interfacial property improvement example, the effect of addition of oligomers to PSAiPressure Sensitive Adhesivesjused for bonding of Touch Panel devices are discussed.
The improved properties of oligomer added PSA was explained by segregation of oligomers into the interface of substrates, which was investigated by both XPS measurement and simulation.

Keywords: Elastomer, Interface, Oligomers, PSA(Pressure Sensitive Adhesives), Segregation, Simulation