English Abstract
Application of High Hydrogenated Terpene Reisn for Electronic Materials
Atsushi YASUI
Department of Research and Development, Yasuhara Chemical Corporation, Fuchu-shi, Hiroshima, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2007),80(1),19-24 General Review in Japanese

This article presents about raw materials and characteristic of terpene resins, additionally introduces new type terpene resin.
Terpene resins are synthesized from essential oil of pines and orange peels. These resins are used as tackifier of adhesives, such as pressure sensitive adhesives and hot melt adhesives. Also these resins are used for modifier of elastomers and plastics.
The new type hydrogenated terpene resin has been developed for electoronic materials. This resin contains hydroxyl group and has weather resistance and light stability. Therefore it is used as a modifier of taransparent plastics and a tackfier of acrylic type adhesives including UV radiation curing adhesives.

Terpene Resins, Tackifier, Modifier, Adhesive, Hydrogenated Terpene Resin, Optical Plastics