English Abstract
Development of Non-Volatile Gel Type Polymer Electrolytes
Hiroyuki OHNO
Department of Biotechnology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2005),78(4),158-162 General Review in Japanese

Ionic liquids, room temperature molten salts, were coupled with polymer matrices to prepare gel type polymer electrolytes.
The obtained films exhibited high ionic conductivity and excellent thermal stability. Since ionic liquids are non-volatile, they are used as inflammable electrolyte membrane. Performance of these gel type polymer electrolytes should deeply depend o n the characteristics of the applied ionic liquids. Accordingly, some basic and advanced studies on these ionic liquids were also summarized. Well-designed ionic liquids and polymers were mixed to examine the basic characteristics such as thermal stability, ionic conductivity, etc. Some applications with these gel type polymer electrolytes were also briefly introduced.

Ionic liquid, Gel, Non-volatility, Polymer electrolyte, Ion conduction