English Abstract
Morphology and ‚brystallization of NR in SBR/NR Blends
Tetsuji Kawazura,Seiichi Kawahara,Yoshinobu Isono
Department of Chemistry, Nagaoka University of Technology Niigata,Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2003),76(
9), 319-323 Original Paper in Japanese.

Isothermal crystallization behavior of natural rubber (NR) dispersed in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) was studied at -25ßC in terms of dilatometry. NR was crosslinked with dicumyl peroxide to prepare lightly crosslinked model compounds to investigate the effect of naturally occurring-branching structure on the crystallization behavior. The morphological feature of NR dispersed in SBR matrix was significantly dependent upon cross-link density, reflecting the empirical relationship between morphology and viscosity associated with cross-link density. The rate of crystallization and value of Avrami index of NR dispersed in SBR matrix was a strong function of domain size.

Natural rubber, Styrene butadiene rubber, Crystallization, Nucleation, Crystal growth velocity, Blend, cross-link, Phase size distribution