English Abstract
Nano-Structures of the Novel Cyclic Conjugated Diene Block Copolymers and Their Application to Thermoplastic Elastomers
Kimio Imaizumi
Asahi-KASEI Corporation Tokyo,Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2003),76(
8), 281-284 General Review in Japanese.

To date, various kinds of high performance polymer materials have been used in the IT industry, or bio and bio-medical industry. Such a magnified spreading of polymer materials is due to the nano-technologies supported by the recent well-defined polymer syntheses or molding technologies. To give a typical example, block copolymers consisting of two or more chemically different monomer units connected at the chain ends have various types of microphase separated structure depending on their components and molecular weights. In this report, we focus on the higher-order structure of the novel thermoplastic elastomers, 1,3-cyclohexadiene (CHD)/butadiene block copolymers, that is the most important factor for affecting polymer properties.

Nano-technology, Higher-order structure, Living anionic polymerization, Microphase separated structure