English Abstract
Fundamentals and Mechanical Properties of PSA Tapes.1An Approach to PSA Tape
Yoshiaki Urahama
Project Researcher,Yamagata University,Venture Business Laboratory Yamagata,Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2003),76(
7), 255-261 General Review in Japanese.

Pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) tapes are used in various applications such as electrical insulation, surface protection, nameplate adhesives, medical care, and household uses. Double-coated PSA tapes are used for the same usage as the adhesive. However, the bulky physical properties of PSA tapes are ruled by the factors of their own properties, though interfacial properties are ruled by the factors of the adhesive.
I will explain some technical characteristics about PSA tapes in serial 6 chapters. This is the 1st chapter and explained about out-lines of PSA tape's usage and some examples of material designs for them.

Pressure sensitive adhesive,Ttape, Adhesive,Characteristic of the pressure sensitive adhesive