English Abstract
Study on Clay Silicate Layer Exfoliation in Copolymers.
Naoki Hasegawa
Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.,TokyoJapan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2003),76(
10), 370-374 General Review in Japanese.

Polymer-clay nanocomposites have been actively researched in these decades. We studied exfoliation of clay silicate layers in copolymers. Four types of organophilic clay, as bellow, were prepared and examined; organophilic clay ion-exchanged with alkyl ammonium ions consisted of different alkyl chain lengths, partially ion-exchanged with alkyl ammonium ions, ion-exchanged with organophilic reagents containing two ammonium ions, ion-exchanged with alkyl ammonium ions containing hydroxide groups(-OH). The dispersibility of the silicate layers in polymers is dependent on polarity matching between the polymers and the organophilic clay.

Clay, Nanocomposites, Copolymer, Exfoliation, Polarity