English Abstract
Trends in Tire Technology
Yoichi OZAWA
Hiroshi YAMADA
Tatsuro HAMADA
Bridgestone Corporation, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan)
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2007),80(10),394-401 General Review in Japanese

Tire technology has grown with the development of the automobile technology. A hundred years of the history have given lots of benefits to human life, but also put negative influence on the global environment. Tire manufacturers have been developing the innovative technology to meet the three major requirements, such as "safety", "environment" and "comfort". This review describes the history of tire materials developments, which have been stimulating the development of tire technology, and refers to the recent trends in tire technology.

Modified Polymer, Functionalized Polymer, Living Polymerization, Computer-aided Engineering, Computerized Tomography