English Abstract
Development of the Rubber Friction and Wear
Yoshitaka UCHIYAMA
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2007),80(4),120-127 General Review in Japanese

In this article the development of rubber friction and wear research is reviewed. Friction and wear of rubber are very important for the automobile tires, belts, seals and rolls. The brief history of rubber tribology is summarized in a table.
The friction force of rubber consists of adhesion term and deformation term. Therefore the frictional behaviors mainly related to the viscoelastic properties of rubber. The influence of surface texture on rubber friction is also discussed. The friction of silica-filled SBRs, and the relationship between ƒÊ-v characteristics and friction vibration are explained. The rubber wear, pattern abrasion mechanism, the influence of mechanical properties on the wear, the environmental effect of rubber wear, and the wear of silica-filled SBR are discussed.

Rubber, Friction, Wear, Rubber Tribology, ƒÊ-v Characteristics, Friction Vibration, Silica-Filled SBRs, Mechanical Properties