English Abstract
Function of Resin Components in the Direct Adhesion of SBR to Zinc
during Curing with an HRH Adhesion System

Kunio MORI
Yoshiyuki OISHI
Hidetoshi HIRAHARA
Department of Applied Chemistry, Iwate University, Ueda Morioka, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2007),80(3),77-82 Original Paper in Japanese

The function of resin components, such as methylene donors, methylene acceptors and silica, was investigated in the adhesion of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) to zinc during curing with an HRH adhesion system. Adhesion strength was increased with an increase in the ability of polymerization of the donor and acceptor compounds in the adhesion of SBR to zinc.
Both the methylene donor (e.g., hexamethylenetetramine) and the methylene acceptor (e.g., resorcinol) migrated to the interface between Zn and SBR during curing reaction. In this case, adhesion strength was generated by forming a reinforcement layer of resin at the interface.
The layer is produced by reaction of the methylene acceptor and the donor. In the SBR compound, polymerization of the acceptors and the donors is delayed by the presence of silica, therefore the acceptor and donor are able to migrate to the interface.
The resin layer at Zn/SBR interface works not only as a reinforcement layer but also as a binder which connects SBR molecules with zinc.
Resorcinol reacted with PbO and then C6H4O3Pb2 was formed. The C6H4O3Pb2 migrated to the interface. This result suggested that the resorcinol acts as carrier as well as a methylene acceptor.

(Received on May 10, 2006)

(Accepted on December 30, 2006)

Zn/SBR Adhesion, HRH Adhesion System, Resorcinol, Hexametheylenetetramine, Silica, Resin Production, Interfacial Structure.