English Abstract
Carbon Black Development Situation
Kunihiko ASAI
Technical Service Laboratory, Showa Cabot K.K., Chiba, JAPAN
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2005),78(6),200-204 General Review in Japanese

The particle size, structure and surface activity of carbon black are important factors in controlling rubber compound properties.
In accordance with technical analyses advances, several new parameters are proposed in carbon black characterization.
Aggregate size distribution control is an effective measure to adjust the tangent delta (tan) of rubber compounds.
The hydrogen content (Hc) of carbon black is used for a simplified parameter of surface activity. The amount of Hc is used to quantify reinforcement and electrical conductivity for a rubber compound. AFM analysis is used to explain the carbon black surface nano-structure, and to examine the interaction with rubber molecules. These new parameters are used in combination with conventional characteristics to improve carbon black. Rigorous control of carbon black properties satisfies the customers' demands for diversified rubber products.

Carbon black, Rubber, Particle, Aggregate, Structure, Surface activity, Hydrogen content