English Abstract
Evaluation and Analysis Technology of Polymeric Materials for Material Design
Toshio Nishi
Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials,School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology,TokyoJapan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2003),76(
10), 358-363 General Review in Japanese.

General concepts on evaluation and analysis technology of polymeric materials for material design are presented with many figures and tables including road maps for material evaluation technology up to 2025.Several topics on these technologies for polymer alloys and polymer nano-technology are illustrated with selected examples. One is the development of three dimensional(3D) transmission electron microscope(TEM) and the other is stress-strain curves for a single polymer chain. Future problems on these technologies are also explained relating to polymer mega-tech-nology.

Polymer alloys, Polymer nano-technology, 3D-TEM, Nano-rheology, Nano-tribology