English Abstract
  Technique for Controlling Surface Wettability of Tire
by Applying Temperature- sensitive Polymers

Noriko MORI
Bridgestone Corporation, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2008),81(11),481-485 General Review in Japanese

Tire technology has grown with the development of the automobile technology. Tire manufacturers have been developing the innovative technology to meet the three major requirements, such as "safety", "environment" and "comfort". This review focuses on "safety" by introducing the novel technique which has a possibility to control wettability of tire surface. This technique is based on a novel thermo-responsive rubber film made by simply mixing of common styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) with known temperature-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA). This rubber film distinctly functions as the switch of surface wettability between hydrophilic below 41 and hydrophobic above 41. The switching property is possibly controlled by changing the mixing ratio of PNIPA to SBR, preparing method, added chemicals, and so on for the control of wet-brake performance of automobile tire in a rainy day.

Tire, Safety, Wettability, Temperature, Surfaces, Rubber, Stimuli-sensitive Polymers, Mix